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A Thread About Comics

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 08.30.2011 3:18pm


DC: "There is no Justice Society book in the New 52."


DC: "We heard y'all like the Justice Society, have a Justice Society book."
Fans: "But if superheroism started five years ago what the hell is the backstory on the JSA?"
DC: "Earth-2, bitches."

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 08.30.2011 4:13pm
Thread Creator

Ceci n'est pas une lobster

I don't mind this at all.

I think one of the great failings of DC after Infinite Crisis is that they didn't use the Multiverse nearly enough, especially not Earth-2. The only thing I can recall dealing with Power Girl being the original Supergirl was Johns' run on JSA, and after that story (which was really great, by the way), it really wasn't addressed at all. Personally, I really enjoy the Earth-2 stuff.

"Of Christ's twelve Apostles Judas alone proved to be traitor. But if he had acquired power, he would have represented the other eleven Apostles as traitors, and also all the lesser Apostles whom Luke numbers as seventy." - Leon Trotsky

I have a blog. This is its URL. You should read it. It's about education and skepticism and books and it has a lot of pictures of Batman and Robin in it:

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 08.30.2011 4:47pm


Yeah I ain't complaining, the JSA is my favorite superteam in the DCU.

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 08.30.2011 5:34pm

Sysadmin of my brain

<span style="font-size: 11px; color: #959595;"><a href="/forums/profile/33">judge_raz</a> said:</span>

Lets just...ignore the fact that I said the same exact thing when the reboot was announced. Never happened.

I think that's the wrong approach to take towards this. There's actually quite a few titles that look to be pretty damn awesome starting in September, not least of which the 'Dark and Edgy' (GROAN) titles, especially Animal Man and Swamp Thing.

Yeah, I'm still pissed off that the reboot is happening. If I had my way, we'd still be getting a bunch of new, awesome books but there wouldn't be the added baggage. But I think that if you stop reading DC entirely, you're going to be missing out on a lot of really great content.
I don't have the time or the money to dig into it like you do. I was reading Detective Comics and Red Robin and would have never learned of Flashpoint if I hadn't read about it here. DC doesn't want to cater to the casual market I represent and that's fine. But that also means they lose me as a customer when they start fucking with the continuity I've lived with and enjoyed the late 80s.

I'll treasure my final number of Detective Comics Volume 1.

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 08.30.2011 6:17pm
 (Edited on 08.30.2011 at 9:27pm)

Registered Member

So, if I want to try to read Batman RIP, do I really need to read Final Crisis as well? I know that's where the deed gets done, but I tend to dislike DC's crossover events.

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 08.30.2011 9:24pm
Thread Creator

Ceci n'est pas une lobster

That's right.

I was in the difficult position of getting a friend of mine into comics, and he wanted to start with Batman, since I'd been talking up Morrison's run so much. I wouldn't recommend Final Crisis to anyone that isn't fairly well versed with the DCU in general, but once he'd started the run, he wanted to finish it, so...I had to. Hope he enjoys it when he gets around to reading it.

And Fukiyama, I don't have a ton of money or time either. But this is a hobby, so it's something that you should be able to set aside money and time for. At the very least, I'd say that you ought to keep reading Batman, since Snyder is taking over on that book and the Bat-books are barely getting touched (aside from Barbara). And besides, Greg Capullo is going to be on art, and I always love that guy's work.

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 08.31.2011 1:08am

Dr Squirrel
medicine woman

What is going on with Fear Itself? All I know is they killed Bucky because of the Cap movie and Tony's drinking again. That's enough to get me to never read Marvel again. Is there an actual story, or is it just Fuck You: 616 Edition (as opposed to Ultimate Fuck You, aka Ultimates 3 + Ultimatum)

trust me, i'm a doctor

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 08.31.2011 4:25am

Terran Angel

<span style="font-size: 11px; color: #959595;"><a href="/forums/profile/18">Dr Squirrel</a> said:</span>

What is going on with Fear Itself? All I know is they killed Bucky because of the Cap movie and Tony's drinking again. That's enough to get me to never read Marvel again. Is there an actual story, or is it just Fuck You: 616 Edition (as opposed to Ultimate Fuck You, aka Ultimates 3 + Ultimatum)
It's Matt Fraction being Matt Fraction. All his stories are poorly plotted, have very bad characterization, and abysmal pacing.

The story is that the Asgardian God of Fear, the Serpent, has awoken. He summoned down seven hammers, and the seven people who picked them up were possesed by the Serpent's ancient lieutenants and are now spreading chaos across the world. Odin said, "Fuck this shit" and is planning on wiping out humanity to prevent the Serpent from feeding on their fear.

Tony sacrificed his sobriety to Odin in a bid to get his attention. It worked, and Odin has put the Nuke Earth campaign on pause and is letting Tony make weapons using Asgardian technology and magic. Everyone else is getting their asses kicked. Bucky was the designated "Oh shit someone big died!" sacrificial lamb for the event.

We're five issues in to a seven issue event, and that's literally the entire story that's been told. Fraction's decompression makes Bendis look like Claremont.

Yes, I mad.

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 08.31.2011 5:09am

Dr Squirrel
medicine woman

But Fraction's Invincible Iron Man and Thor were great. What the hell happened?

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 08.31.2011 7:31am

Terran Angel

I thought his Iron Man and Thor were atrocious (especially Thor). But everyone I've talked to who really liked those Iron Man and Thor arcs also really like Fear Itself. So, I'm not sure what to tell you , unless you want to get more specific into what you don't like about it.

Sidenote: Flashpoint's ending made me tear up like a little bitch :(

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 08.31.2011 1:39pm


Didio confirms, Steph is back to being Spoiler.

*puts a mark in the "I was right" collumn*

Man, the Battimeline is going to be efffffffed.

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 08.31.2011 2:06pm
Thread Creator

Ceci n'est pas une lobster

Last night I realized that, in order for the past five years of Batman to still be canon, Final Crisis needed to be canon as well. Try to figure out how Final Crisis could still have happened in the DCnU. I dare you. I double dare you MOTHERFUCKER. Gave me a headache.

Also, anyone else find Justice League #1 to be incredibly underwhelming? I'm not sure if I'd be interested or not if I was a first time reader, to be totally honest. I mean, I'll probably read it because Johns is a pretty solid writer, even though his Batman has always been a bit off, and fucking DARKSEID,

And the Flashpoint finale. I...don't know. I liked the last few pages with Barry and Bruce and all, but...that really didn't seem like enough, you know? I mean, all this build up, all these story-lines and then BAM "The Atlanteans fucked things up so badly that they've destroyed the world!" That isn't how you write a finale to a big summer event, Geoffrey. I know you know better than that. Like, I wasn't a huge fan of Flashpoint or anything, but it just seems like the Flashpoint timeline deserved a better send off than what it got.

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 08.31.2011 2:28pm


I've only really seen scraps of the GL and Batman meeting and while it seemed... in character--Hal being mouthy, shocked that Batman is just a guy in a suit; Batman stealing GL's ring... haven't we seen all this before? I mean what's the point of rebooting if you're just going to rehash the same scenes that were already there?

Also for a second there I thought I was reading All-Star Batman and Robin again, which was awkward.

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 08.31.2011 7:01pm
 (Edited on 08.31.2011 at 7:12pm)

Terran Angel

Someone on /co/ described Flashpoint thusly, and I agree with it: it was a good 5-issue Flash arc, but a terrible event. In the core series we only really spent time with Flash and Batman, and both of their stories were resolved. But everyone else was screwed. Especially Aquaman and Wonder Woman, wtf. I read both of their damn miniseries and both ended on, "See Flashpoint #5 for the conclusion!" Bullshit. There was no conclusion. It just....ended. I can't help but get the distinct impression that when Johns originally planned this it was as a much smaller event.

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 08.31.2011 7:12pm
Thread Creator

Ceci n'est pas une lobster

I think Superman got screwed over the most. I That was just...probably the most disappointing ending I've ever read to an event comic. And this is how we're leading into the new canon?

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